Sunday, 16 February 2020

Less is More

February 15, 2020

On top of going makeup-less (except for the odd concealer to cover up any zits and blush when I’m extra pale) for 2020 I have also decided to go bra-less. 2020 is the year of authentic me. Tired of hiding. This is me. No apologies. I have begun the year with a total breakdown that still haunts me. I may have to change my antipsychotic from olanzipine to another one because I am hearing women yelling at night when I'm in bed again. 
Listen. From an FB post:
"Sigh. For those at the back:
Your brain is an organ, correct? And organs like your liver, kidneys etc they can get sick and malfunction right? Then why can’t your brain get sick? Why is still looked at as different? Because, one would say, you ARE your brain. Your habits, your manifestions of experience, your thoughts and ideas. And that’s more than any of your other organs do.
Well, sort of.
Your brain does not dictate who you are intrinsically and innately. Rather, the brain takes external stimulants, experiments, and ideas and converts them into a pattern unique to each individual, and then dictates how they will be conveyed by you. And that’s what we call a ‘mind’. It’s a complicated system, a beautiful and gobsmacking system, but to say ‘you are your mind’ is erroneous. ‘You’ are what your brain dictates based on your past experiences and your brain’s health.
A malfunctioning brain will take that stimulus and translate it into something other than how it should be translated.
And that’s how you-‘your mind’ can get sick"
It's ok to be sick. With a mental illness you must rest and treat yourself the way you would a close friend. |Be kind to yourselves.
The next few posts will be about my journey through the past 6 years. Hold tight. It's quite the ride. I also need to find a new platform because apparently nobody uses blogger anymore. 

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